
Signs That Labor Is 24 to 48 Hours Away All You Need To Know

Signs That Labor Is 24 to 48 Hours Away All You Need To Know

Labor is an intense process, and it can be difficult to know when it is actually starting. Most women experience some signs that labor is approaching, but not all of these signs mean that labor will start soon. In this blog post, we will discuss the 24 to 48 hour warning signs that labor is about to begin.signs -abor-is-24-48-hours-away

  • Heaviness or pressure in your pelvis or lower abdomen.
  • Cramps in your thighs or lower back.
  • A change in vaginal discharge (it may be thinner and clearer a few days before labor begins).
  • Nesting instinct—an overwhelming urge to clean your house or get everything ready for the baby.

Is Your Baby Coming Soon? Watch for These Signs That Labor Is Approaching

If you think labor is imminent, don’t hesitate to call your doctor or midwife. You may be in labor if you’re experiencing any of the following signs:-

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Water Breaking

One of the most definitive signs that labor has begun is when your water breaks. It may feel like a large gush or a small trickle of fluid—either way, call your healthcare provider right away. They’ll likely want you to come in to be checked and to avoid the risk of infection.

the sac of amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby breaks, and labor begins. This can happen a few hours or even a day or two before labor contractions start. If your water breaks before labor contractions begin, you may be at risk for infection, so it’s important to call your healthcare provider right away. They’ll likely want you to come in to be checked and to start labor if it hasn’t already begun.

Possible complications:

  • Uterine rupture
  • Cord prolapse
  • Infection
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Pplacenta previa
  • Placental abruption


As labor nears, you’ll start to feel regular contractions. These are different from Braxton Hicks contractions in that they’re more intense, happen at regular intervals, and last for 30-60 seconds. If you’re not sure if what you’re feeling is a contraction, try this simple test: Place your hand on your abdomen and see if the contraction changes the shape of your uterus. If it does, it’s likely a contraction.Signs-That-Labor-is-48-hours-away

If you’re having contractions, start timing them. Once they become regular (every 5 minutes or less, lasting for 30-60 seconds each), call your healthcare provider. They’ll want to know how often you’re contracting and how long each contraction lasts.

Losing Your Mucus Plug

This happens when the mucus plug that’s been blocking your cervix during pregnancy comes loose and passes out of your body. It may come out all at once, or in several pieces. Losing your mucus plug is a sign that labor is imminent, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that labor will start right away.

Dilating And Effacing

As labor nears, your cervix begins to thin out (efface) and open up (dilate). Your healthcare provider can check for these changes during a vaginal exam. If you’re 10 cm dilated and 100% effaced, you’re ready to start pushing!

Loose Bowel Movements

This is caused by the same hormones that are responsible for diarrhea—namely, progesterone and relaxin. It’s your body’s way of clearing out anything that might get in the way of baby during labor and delivery.

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Nausea And Vomiting

Labor, as with any physical activity, can be taxing on your body—and that can lead to nausea and vomiting. Don’t worry, though—this is perfectly normal. Just make sure you stay hydrated by sipping on clear fluids like water or sports drinks.

Intense Back Pain

Your baby rotates and moves down into your pelvis. This can cause intense pressure in your lower back (especially if you didn’t have an epidural). The best way to relieve this pressure is to labor in a position that takes the pressure off your back, like sitting on a birth ball or leaning over a stack of pillows.

A Change In Vaginal Discharge

labor, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge—or even a change in color or consistency. This is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. Just make sure to wear a sanitary pad to keep yourself clean and dry.

Cervical Dilation Without Labor

Sometimes, your cervix may begin to dilate without labor starting. This is calledSigns-That-Labor-Is-24-to-48-Hours-Away “latent labor.” It can happen for any number of reasons, but it’s usually nothing to be concerned about. If you’re in latent labor, your healthcare provider will likely just want to monitor you closely to make sure labor doesn’t start unexpectedly.

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