Why Do Babies Chew On Their Tongues

Why Do Babies Chew On Their Tongues

The reason babies chew on their tongues is still unknown, but it is speculated that they do it because it feels good. Some researchers believe that the sensation of chewing on the Tongue helps soothe a baby and can even provide some relief from pain. It’s also possible that chewing helps stimulate the baby’s digestive system. Whatever the reason may be, there’s no doubt that sucking and chewing on one’s Tongue is standard behavior for babies. If you’re concerned about why your baby is chewing on their Tongue, don’t hesitate to speak with your pediatrician. They’ll be able to provide you with more information and help you determine if there’s anything wrong. There’s nothing to worry about in most cases, and this behavior is simply a phase that your baby will eventually outgrow.

Many parents are concerned when their baby starts chewing on their Tongue. Is this something to worry about?

Tongue chewing is a common behavior in babies. It’s usually
nothing to worry about. Babies chew on their tongues because the texture and
taste feel good to them. They may also do it because it helps them
relieve tension or boredom.

There can be many reasons why a baby might start chewing on its Tongue. For example, they may be teething and find that chewing on something helps ease the pain. Babies also tend to chew on their tongues when they’re feeling bored or restless, as it’s a way of stimulating their minds and keeping them occupied. In some cases, babies might also chew on their tongues if they’re experiencing discomfort or pain elsewhere in their body, such as from an upset stomach.

Whatever the reason, it’s essential to keep an eye on your baby if you notice them chewing on their Tongue regularly, as there is a risk of them biting it accidentally. If this happens, seek medical help immediately, as the Tongue can often bleed quite profusely. In most cases, however, baby tongue chewing is nothing to worry about and will eventually stop as your child gets older.

There can be various reasons why a baby might start chewing on its Tongue. Some common causes include:

Teething – Babies often start teething around 6 months of age, and during this time, they may chew on anything they can get their hands on to relieve the pain. The Tongue is a soft, easily-chewed target, so it’s not surprising that many babies will chew on it during teething.

Sore mouth or gums – If the baby’s mouth or gums are sore, they may instinctively chew on their Tongue to soothe the pain.

Gagging reflex – Some babies have a strong gag reflex which can cause them to gag or choke when they try to swallow food. In some cases, the baby may start chewing on their Tongue as a way of stopping the food from going down their throat.

Habit – In some cases, babies might start chewing on their tongues simply because it’s become a habit.

If you’re concerned about your baby chewing on their Tongue, speak to your doctor. There may be an underlying cause that requires treatment. However, in most cases, Tongue Chewing is just a phase that will eventually disappear. Until then, there are a few things you can do to help make your baby more comfortable:

  • Give your baby plenty of teething toys or cold objects to chew on.
  • Give your baby cold water or ice to suck on.
  • Apply a topical anaesthetic such as teething gel or numbing cream to your baby’s gums.
  • If the baby is gagging or choking, try to feed them smaller, more manageable amounts of food.
  • Keep an eye on your baby to make sure they aren’t chewing on their Tongue excessively and causing damage. If you see any bleeding or swelling, seek medical attention.

There are a few different things that you can do to help reduce your baby’s tongue chewing. Some of these tips include:

  • Place a rolled-up towel or blanket underneath your baby’s chin
    while they are sleeping to keep their head elevated and discourage them from
    putting their Tongue in their mouth.
  • Keep a close eye on them when they are eating, and try to
    distract them with other activities if they start to chew on their Tongue.
  • Try to feed them smaller, more frequent meals instead of one
    large meal per day. This will help minimize the amount of time
    chewing on their Tongue.
  • If your baby is teething, provide them with some relief by
    giving them teething toys or cold teething pads to chew on.
  • One of the best ways to discourage tongue chewing is to start solid food as
    early as possible. When your baby is still breastfeeding, ensure they are latched on correctly. If they are not, they may end up chewing on their Tongue
    instead of suckling.
  • If your baby is already past the breastfeeding stage, you can
    try gently redirecting their attention when you see them chewing on their
    Tongue. You can do this by offering them a toy or dummy to chew on instead.
  • You can also try swaddling your baby. This will help keep them
    from putting their hands in their mouth.
  • Make sure that your baby is getting enough to eat. If  they are hungry, they may end up chewing on their Tongue as a way to soothe themselves. Try to feed them regularly and give them plenty of healthy snacks throughout the day.
  • Lastly, parents can also try to keep their baby’s mouth clean. Make sure you wipe their mouth with a moist cloth after every feeding and before bedtime. This will help reduce the number of bacteria in their mouth, leading to less Tongue chewing.
  • Talk to your pediatrician. If your baby’s Tongue chewing is accompanied by other symptoms, it may be indicative of a more severe problem And your doctor will be able to help identify and treat the issue.
  • Try to figure out what may be causing the tongue chewing. Is your baby teething? Are they uncomfortable for some other reason? Addressing the underlying cause may help reduce the behavior.
  • Distract your baby from other activities. If they’re constantly chewing on their Tongue because they’re bored or restless, try giving them something else to focus on. Toys, books, and other activities can help keep them occupied and prevent them from chewing on their Tongue.
  • Encourage them to stop. Once you’ve addressed the underlying cause and tried to distract your baby with other activities, it’s also essential to encourage them to stop chewing on their Tongue. Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in helping to reduce this behavior.

In some cases, the baby may need to see a doctor if the chewing is
causing swelling or other problems. But in most cases, it’s just a normal part
of a baby’s development, and there’s nothing to worry about.

When baby Tongue Chewing Could be a Concern

One of the most common behaviors babies exhibits is chewing on their tongues. In most cases, this is nothing to be concerned about. However, there are times when baby tongue chewing could be a sign of a problem.

  • If your baby seems to be chewing on their Tongue constantly, or if they are arching their back and sticking out their Tongue while they chew, it could be a sign that they are having trouble swallowing. This could be a sign of reflux or another digestive issue.
  • If the baby is chewing on their Tongue along with other signs of distress, such as crying excessively or pulling away from feedings, it could be a sign of colic. Colic is a condition that affects many babies and is characterized by crying for no apparent reason.
  • Tongue chewing is a common behavior for babies and isn’t cause concern. However, there are times when baby tongue chewing could be a sign of a problem. If your baby is constantly chewing on their Tongue, it could be a sign of:

A speech disorder
A feeding problem
A developmental delay

In most cases, baby tongue chewing is simply a phase that the baby will outgrow. However, if the baby is consistently biting down on their Tongue, it could be a sign that they are experiencing discomfort or pain. Additionally, if the baby is drooling excessively or has difficulty swallowing, these could also be signs of a problem with the baby’s Tongue.



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