15 Tips How To Improve Your Fertility Naturally Get Pregnant Faster

15 Tips How To Improve Your Fertility Naturally Get Pregnant Faster

One in ten couples is childless. The causes of infertility are:

  • 35% are due to male fertility problems
  • 35% are due to female fertility problems
  • 30% are due to both male and female fertility problems

Pregnancy fertility is not an issue for 9 out of 10 couples who become pregnant within a year of trying; the other 10% of couples are those that may have some fertility issues.

Despite lots of research into the subject of infertility, the success rate for fertility treatment is about 40%.

Causes of Infertility

Male Fertility Issues

  • No Sperm or insufficient sperm being produced by the man. The testicles may be injured or diseased.
  • The scrotum is being kept too hot. If the scrotum sack is kept at a temperature higher than average, this reduces the sperm’s effectiveness. So stop wearing athletic, tight-fitting underwear as this will raise the temperature.
  • Excessive drinking of alcohol will diminish the sperm count
  • The passageway carrying the sperm may be blocked.
  • The sperm may be unable to swim due to disease of the man’s prostate gland.

Women Fertility Issues

  • A single egg needs to be produced by the ovary twelve to fourteen days before the women’s next menstrual period
  • The Fallopian tubes must be healthy so the eggs can move towards the uterus
  • The lining of the womb must be prepared for receiving the fertilized egg can implant itself and grow
  • The neck of the womb must not be a barrier to the sperm being able to swim to the egg

Investigating the Causes of Infertility

For most couples that have not become pregnant after one year, the first investigation into their fertility is with their first initial consultation with their Doctor.

The first Doctor’s Interview

  • History of any injury or disease of the man’s testicles.
  • Drinking habits
  • The use of drugs
  • The Doctor will also exam the man’s testicles and penis
  • A doctor will want to know about the woman’s periods, any pain, if there are problems with the menstrual cycle, irregularity
  • The timing and frequency of sexual intercourse are essential. To become pregnant, sexual intercourse must take place two weeks before the next period
  • The Doctor will give the woman a general examination to make sure that there are no apparent causes of infertility. A doctor will look for signs of any cysts on the ovary, or lumps called fibroids which can cause problems conceiving.

Fertility Tests

Male Fertility Tests

  • Semen Analysis – A specimen of sperm is examined, sex needs to be avoided for at least two days before providing the specimen, and then the specimen needs to be kept at room temperature and given to the laboratory within six to eight hours
  • Post-coital test – this is testing the efficiency of sperm. The woman needs to be examined within twelve hours of having unprotected sex so that a fresh quantity of sperm deposited into the vagina can be examined. A sample is taken and viewed under a microscope to see how active and mobile they are. The Doctor wants to see if they are good swimmers or if they cannot swim through the cervix. The test is carried out midway through the female cycle, so it occurs at the maximum time of fertility.

Female Fertility Tests

  • Ovulation – testing for ovulation can be done by recording the woman’s temperature on waking up. The temperature in the first twelve to fourteen days of the menstrual cycle is constant but after ovulation, the temperature drops by a rise for the remainder of the menstrual cycle. The temperature change is due to the hormone released by the ovary. Alternatively, a blood test can be done at twenty-one days in the cycle.
  • Tests on the Fallopian Tubes – The fallopian tubes are critical to women’s fertility. The fallopian tubes need to be able to suck the egg from the ovary so that it can pass down the canal and can be fertilized where it then goes to the uterus where it grows. So the fallopian tubes cannot be blocked or diseased. Both methods for testing involve the injection of a dye and then either using an X-ray or visual inspection. You only need one fallopian tube to be open and functioning correctly to be fertile.


Fortunately, there are several ways to improve your fertility and get pregnant faster. Diet and lifestyle changes can increase fertility by up to 69%.

This article contains 15 proven tips that can increase fertility and the chance of pregnancy.

Eat antioxidant-rich foods

Antioxidants such as folic acid and zinc can increase fertility in both men and women. Antioxidants deactivate the free radicals in your body, which can damage both sperm and egg cells. One of the studies in young adult men found that eating 75 grams of antioxidant-rich walnuts per day improved sperm quality. Another study that followed sixty couples who underwent IVF treatments found that an antioxidant supplement resulted in a 23% increased chance of getting pregnant. Foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts and grains are full of antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, folic acid, beta-carotene and lutein.

Eat a larger breakfast.

Eating a good breakfast can help women with fertility problems. A study found that eating a larger breakfast improved the hormonal effects of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), which is a significant cause of infertility. In women with normal-weight PCOS, insulin levels decreased by 8% when most calories were taken during breakfast. The testosterone values ​​decreased by 50%. High values ​​of both of these hormones can contribute to infertility. Besides, these women ovulated 30% more than women who ate a small breakfast and larger dinner, indicating improved fertility. However, it is essential to remember that a large breakfast, without adjusting the size of the dinner, can lead to being overweight. More details available on over the counter Clomid substitute

Avoid trans fats

Eating healthy fats daily is vital to improving fertility. Trans fats are, on the other hand, associated with an increased risk of ovulatory infertility due to the adverse effects on insulin sensitivity. Trans fats are often found in hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine, fried foods, processed products and pastries. A large-scale study found that a diet with many trans fats and few unsaturated fats is related to infertility. Eating trans fats instead of monounsaturated fats can increase the risk of ovulatory infertility by 31%. Eating trans fats instead of carbohydrates can increase this risk by 73%.

Reduce carbohydrates

Following a low-carbohydrate diet is usually recommended for women with PCOS. Low-carbohydrate dietary patterns can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce insulin levels and promote fat loss. This also encourages the regularity of menstruation. A large study found that when carbohydrate intake was increased, the risk of infertility also increased. In this study, women who ate more carbohydrates were 78% more likely to have ovulatory infertility than those who followed a low-carb diet. Another little research among overweight people and obese women with PCOS showed that a low carbohydrate diet reduced hormone levels, such as those for insulin and testosterone. Both can contribute to infertility.

Eat less refined carbohydrates

Not only the amount of carbohydrates is essential, but also the type. Refined carbohydrates, in particular, can be a problem. Refined carbohydrates cover Sugar-rich food and drinks, processed grains such as white pasta, bread and rice. These carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly, which causes blood sugar levels and insulin levels to peak. Refined carbohydrates have a high glycemic index (GI). A large study found that food with a high glycemic index was associated with an increased risk of ovulatory infertility. Since PCOS is related to high insulin levels, refined carbohydrates can have a negative impact on it.

Eat more fibre

Fibre helps your body remove excess hormones and keep blood sugar balanced. Examples of fibre-rich foods are whole-grain cereals, fruit, vegetables and beans. Certain fibre types can remove excess estrogen by binding it in the intestines. The extra estrogen is removed from the body as a waste product. A study found that eating 10 grams more cereal fibre per day was related to 44% less chance of ovulatory infertility in women over 32 years of age. However, the evidence concerning fibres is divided. In another study involving 250 women between the ages of 18 and 44, eating the recommended 20-35 grams of fibre was associated with nearly ten times the risk of abnormal ovulation cycles.

Change protein sources

Replacing specific animal proteins (such as meat, fish and eggs) with vegetable protein sources (such as beans, nuts and seeds) is linked to a reduced risk of infertility. A study found that a higher intake of animal proteins was linked to 32% more chance of ovulatory infertility. Eating more vegetable proteins can protect against infertility. One study found that when 5% of total calories were vegetable proteins instead of animal proteins, the risk of ovulatory infertility decreased by over 50%. Consider therefore replacing proteins from meat with vegetable proteins from vegetables, beans, lentils and nuts.

Opt for whole dairy products

High intakes of low-fat dairy products can increase the risk of infertility, while whole dairy products can lower this. A significant study looked at the effects of eating entire dairy products more than once a day or less than once a week. This showed that women who ate one or more servings of the whole dairy per day were 27% less likely to have infertility. You can replace a portion of low-fat dairy per day with a portion of full dairies, such as a glass of whole milk.

Take multivitamins

Women who take multivitamins are less likely to suffer from ovulatory infertility. It is estimated that 20% of ovulatory infertility can be avoided if women take three or more multivitamins per week. A study found that women taking multivitamins had up to 41% less chance of infertility. Multivitamin supplements with folic acid can be extra beneficial for women who want to become pregnant.

Another study found that a dietary supplement with monk pepper, green tea, vitamin E and vitamin B6 improved the chance of pregnancy. 26% of the women who took this supplement for three months became pregnant. Of the women who did not take the supplement, only 10% became pregnant. Exercise has many health benefits, including improved fertility.

A sedentary lifestyle is associated with an increased risk of infertility. A study found that every hour of exercise per week was associated with 5% less chance of infertility. For obese women, moderate or intense exercise and weight loss can have a positive influence on fertility. However, keeping measurements is essential here. Excessive and very strenuous exercise is again associated with reduced fertility in women. Excessive exercise can change the energy balance in the body and negatively affect the reproductive system. A large study found that the risk of infertility was 3.2 times greater in women who moved intensively compared to inactive women.

Take a rest

When your stress levels rise, your chances of getting pregnant decrease. This is due to hormonal changes that occur when you are stressed. A stressful job and long working days can make it take longer for you to become pregnant. Stress, anxiety and depression affect about 30% of women who walk at fertility clinics. Getting help and counselling can reduce anxiety and depression levels, which increases the chance of pregnancy.

Reduce caffeine

Caffeine can negatively affect fertility in women. A study shows that women who drink more than 500 mg of caffeine take up to 9.5 months to become pregnant. A high caffeine intake before pregnancy is also associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. However, other studies did not see a strong link between caffeine intake and the increased risk of infertility.

Get a healthy weight.

Weight is one of the most influential factors when it comes to fertility. Being underweight or overweight is related to increased infertility. A major study shows that 12% of ovulatory infertility in the United States is due to being underweight and 25% to being overweight. This is because the amount of fat in the body influences menstrual function. Underweight or overweight women have a longer cycle time, making it more challenging to get pregnant. To improve the chance of pregnancy, try to lose weight if you are overweight and to gain weight if you are underweight.

Increase iron intake

Taking iron supplements and non-heme iron from plant-based foods can reduce the risk of adulatory infertility. A survey of 438 women found that iron supplementation was linked to a 40% reduction in the chance of ovulatory infertility. Non-heme iron was also related to a reduced risk of infertility. Heme iron, from animal sources, did not appear to have any effect on fertility. Nevertheless, more evidence is needed to confirm whether iron supplements should be recommended to all women, especially when the iron levels are already healthy. However, increasing the intake of iron-rich foods could help. Non-heme iron sources are difficult for the body to absorb. It is advisable to combine this with food or drinks rich in vitamin C to improve the intake.

Avoid excessive alcohol

Alcohol consumption can negatively affect fertility. However, it is unclear how much alcohol causes this effect. A major study found that drinking eight glasses of alcohol per week makes it take longer to get pregnant. Another study involving 7393 women revealed that high alcohol consumption was associated with more infertility studies. Evidence for moderate alcohol consumption is divided. One study found no link between moderate drinking and fertility, while other studies reported that average alcohol consumption affected fertility. For example, a survey of 430 couples reported that drinking five or fewer glasses of alcohol per week was associated with impaired fertility.

Avoid non-fermented soy products.

Some sources report that the hydrogenates in soy may adversely affect hormone levels and cause fertility problems. In several animal studies, soy was associated with lower sperm quality in male rats and reduced fertility in female rats. A study found that even small amounts of soy products caused sexual behavioural changes in male offspring. However, few studies have looked at the effects of soy on humans, so more evidence is required. Besides, the negative effects usually only apply to non-fermented soy. Fermented soy is generally considered safer food.


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